You must have bought an excellent breed of oxen. They are very healthy looking. I certainly like the way your oxen strut and stamp around when they are working. It shows that they have lots of energy. Your oxen are certainly very elegant looking. How do you do it? Would you consider teaching my slaves how to take care of oxen the way yours do? I bet it really pays to keep oxen in such good shape. With oxen like that, you should be getting lots of good work done. I bet those oxen of yours are the healthiest in the kingdom. Boy, those oxen of yours sure look strong. Your oxen are terrific looking. Wow, what great oxen you've got. We need to do something pharaoh. My female oxen are always coming over here to get at your males. Your oxen should sell quite well. They are fit and healthy. I think those oxen of yours could out pull any two of mine. I like the sheen on the coats of your oxen. Your oxen really look good there buddy.